Stage 0.
Initial consultation
In order to get a feel for your requirements and fully understand the project, it is important to visit site and discuss the scheme face to face where possible. During this meeting I'm happy to give informal advice on whether or not planning approval is required & the likely chances of success. I'll also make you aware of any other approvals necessary and estimate the likely construction costs.
At the same I will prepare a fee proposal for the project and agree suitable timescales for moving forward.
Stage 01.
Measured Survey
Once appointed we'll agree a suitable time for carrying out a measured survey of the property to allow drawings as existing to be prepared.
We’ll also have an opportunity to discuss your ideas in more detail and further develop the project brief.
Stage 02.
Preliminary design proposals
At this point I will present preliminary design options for your consideration. The proposals will consider any structural design required and we’ll aim to prepare a preliminary cost check.
Stage 03.
Design proposals & Planning
Once the design is agreed I'll work up the scheme and submit for the necessary planning consent: This could be house holder planning consent, listed building consent or for smaller projects we may be able to design your extension under permitted development rules where formal planning consent isn’t required at all.
I'll deal with the planning department on your behalf and keep you up to date with any negotiations / amendments required to ensure an approval is achieved.
Stage 04.
Building regulations & approvals
Following receipt of planning approval, the next stage is to produce a set of detailed construction drawings. These serve multiple purposes and the plans are used to demonstrate compliance with current building regulations, submit for Sewer build over applications, party wall notification etc.
The drawings are also used to obtain accurate quotations from builders and KD Design can suggest trusted local building contractors who we have worked with in the past.
Stage 05.
Contract administration & construction phase
For smaller projects, some clients prefer to manage the building contract themselves, in which case my involvement ends here.
More typically KD Design will take on an active role during construction to ensure the design direction is maintained and the project runs smoothly. This will involve regular site inspections and progress checks, checking and approval of production details & drawings, Stage payment valuations & building contract administration.
I can also take control of handover and signing off of works which would include snagging and making good defects.
Let’s Work Together!
Do you have some big ideas and need some help bringing them to life? Then please reach out. We’d love to hear from you and learn about your project, and to get the ball rolling we’d be happy to offer some initial informal advice free of charge.
Please Contact us and we’ll be in touch to discuss further at a time that suits you.